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Grade Level Goals

Kindergarten: Kindergarten works on being a friend, self regulating using zones of regulation, and other activities with the School Counselor.


Grade 1: First Grade works on study skills, being a friend, zones of regulation activities.


Grade 2:  work on learning to be a better student, how to be a friend, and self regulation activities.


Grade 3: Our 3rd graders learn to stand tall with assertive behavior skills through the use of role playing situations and applying techniques called "cool tools."


Grade 4: Students work on teamwork strategies and positive reinforcement towards each other. They also work on assertive behavior skills.


Grade 5: Students work on conflict resolution and how to solve/prevent conflicts. Assertive behavior skills to assist them.

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North Plains Elementary School

101 C ST


(701) 727-3328
Minot Public Schools provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. Minot Public School Distict Title IX Coordinator - Katy Dahl, 215 2nd St SE Minot ND 58701, 701.857.8772 or by email at If you cannot fully access the information on any web page of this site, please let us know the accessibility issue you are having by contacting Alicia Eslinger, Technology Director, at (701) 420-7501 or by e-mail at We will try to provide the information to you in an alternate format and/or make the necessary improvements to make the information accessible.  If you would like to file a formal grievance under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, you may contact our Section 504/Title II coordinator, Jim Vitko, at 215 2nd Street SE, Minot ND 58701, at (701) 857-4571, or by e-mail at
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